Welcome to the WRF Innovation Planning Portal

To improve organizational sustainability, water and wastewater utilities are
looking beyond traditional approaches to management and operations.

These utilities are exploring practices that broadly engage their workforce and supply
chain partners to find, develop, and adopt emerging technologies, processes, and
services to enhance organizational effectiveness and delivery of service to their customers.

Some utilities have formalized these practices as an innovation function within their organization.

Here you will find tools to help you during your journey
in creating and sustaining a successful, innovative culture.

 Click the Innovation Planning Tool link to access the Innovation Planning Tool.
If this is your first time accessing the tool, please visit the Sign Up page and
provide the required information to gain access.

 The Innovation Planning Tool will provide you with example building blocks to be
incorporated within your innovation strategy development efforts based
on your organization’s current and target maturity level.

It also supports the identification and tracking of building block
implementation and innovation performance metrics.

Educational Resources ​are also provided summarizing the three need areas
of the Utility Innovation Framework – Leadership, Process and Culture.

The Utility Innovation Framework describes the needs and behaviors required to
support an environment where innovation can flourish.

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